Saffron Industrial Applications

Natural colors have been used in the dyeing industry for many years. Saffron is also used in the production of perfumery and aromatic substances. In general, the most important saffron applications in industries can be counted as below:

– Dyeing industry

– Perfumery and aromatic industries

– Repairing and maintenance of artistic works


Saffron Applications in Dyeing Industry

The major factor or the most important factor in saffron stigma is Crocine from which saffron color arises. On the other hand, we can refer to Cartoneids which are the pigments solved in the saffron little fat. Saffron color was once the royal color in ancient Greece. Even now the beautiful color of saffron stigma is one of the most expressive colors for stain threads of valuable and fine clothes. Because this plant is too expensive, it can’t be used in large amounts for staining. If there should be any economic justification, this color can be used in a wide scope.

At the time being, this color is mostly used to stain silk, for example, to create artistic designs and forms. Besides the beautiful color, saffron has the characteristic of disinfection. The value of saffron can only be compared to silk. By using saffron on silk, we are certain to have beautiful clothes resistant to any fungi or infection.

Saffron is also used in the wearing industry, and staining carpet woof. In Turkey, like some parts of Iran, special warps and woofs are used for weaving artistic carpets. Saffron is one of the final factors that determine the real value of hand-woven carpets.

Purple, purple reddish and yellow can be produced using saffron. Nice to know that a combination of purple, red and their derivatives colors will create a wonderful scene when they are put next to yellow.

In producing the needed colors in the weaving industry, saffron is a two-color plant: yellow and red.

Carpet weavers use these colors and create extraordinary mixtures.

Mirthful saffron odor, especially the odor from stigma, influences the air so that carpet weavers always feel happy and joyful while weaving carpets.

Perfumery and Aromatic Industries

Safranal is a major part of the sweet saffron fragrance. In old times, saffron was directly used for aromatizing the air but now due to its high-value, it is limited to the laboratories.

The compressed perfume market has led producing companies with special new materials. Each company has got a new formula and has made special fragrances by mixing safranal with other essences. The formula is top secret for a producing company. All of them knew that the perfume market is gradually been directed toward nature fragrances. On the other hand, the manufactures can maneuver more than the consumers.

Repairing and Maintaining Sensitive Works of Art

Many important cultural artworks of the Middle and East Far East of Asia are the ones painted/ written on deer’s skin. Iranian, Chinese and Japanese miniatures and calligraphies, which are of international fame are all exposed to destruction. The animal origin of the plants on which the works of art are created may hurt them more probably.

By means of saffron and its color and some other herbal colors, it could be repaired the destroyed parts and protect the work for many years.


Obviously, if saffron is needed in a large quantity in a specific industry, it will be possible after setting the economic problems. But sometimes to make use of saffron’s benefits, there is no need in large quantities. In the case of chandlery and soap making industries, using saffron’s smell, color or its other benefits only a little amount is enough.

You can buy authentic Iranian saffron at Taher nut and dry store. In this store, as a dried fruit and nuts supplier , we have been able to meet the needs of many people to buy these products. Guaranteeing the quality of products is one of the special features of our collection, so buy safely.

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