Are Dried Fruits and Nuts in the Superfoods Group?

Superfoods are the foods commonly referred to as plant bases that are rich in nutrients, such as all kinds of vitamins and minerals, anti-inflammatory fatty acids, easy digestion proteins, and fiber, and have many health benefits.

In which group are dried fruits and nuts?

Superfoods are mainly consumed to improve human health. Some benefits of the superfoods on human health are:

– Preventing and treat many diseases

– enhances immunity

– Increases energy

– Reduces blood pressure, blood sugar level & cholesterol

These foods belong to different groups of fruits, dark vegetables, seeds, grains, and spices, which some of them are: Fish, Yogurt, Chocolate, Nuts, Olive Oil, Eggs, Blueberries, Some dried fruits ….

Among the dried fruits, raisins and dates fall into the category of superfoods.

Some points which are important to pay attention to are:

  • In the process of drying of fruits, water is removed from them. In some cases, the products lose the nutrients and minerals.
  • In some cases, chemical ingredients such as artificial coloring are used and this interferes with the original property of the product.
  • Another factor is the calorie intake; many dry fruits and nuts can be high in calories. So the daily consumption amount of them should be controlled.

The Forecast of the dried fruits and nuts (over 2018 to 2026) showed an increasing demand for dried fruits from food suppliers and manufacturers. This is a proof that the industry of this product is growing.

Some of the reasons for this growth are:

– Its unique flavor, rich nutrition profile, rich nutrition profile, higher health benefits, and prolonged shelf life

– Increased demand for healthy and organic products

– Increasing in the number of working women (this changes the lifestyle and the demand for convenience and ready-to-eat food increased)

– The useful effects of dried fruits and nuts on human health

– Increased usage among the athletes (because of the rich source of good fat and calories)

– The increasing demand in the food industry, such as confectionery and bakery (The growing variety of new foods increases the demand for dried fruits and nuts as the raw materials)

In the end, the dried fruits and the nuts market is a good chance for suppliers and manufacturers; and quality is one of the most important success factors in the global competition market.

Source: Researched By “Taher Agroindustrial Group

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