Trending Dried Fruit and Nuts

Consumers are getting tired of just plain commodities in the dried fruit and nut category & are looking for new and exciting value-added items.

The most popular dried fruits and nuts

Tropical Foods considers sweet-coated dried fruit and nuts a natural extension to a produce offering. “As you find nuts, fruit and dried fruit, it is only natural for a shopper to seek out those same products with a little added decadence in the same area,”

Stores can be challenged by consumer,“Consumers expect healthier, cleaner products from the production section, However, these challenges can still be met with sweet-coated dried fruits and nuts by not straying too far from these demands.

Combinations And Coatings

Giving consumers choices when promoting sweet-coated dried fruit and nuts is crucial. “Peanuts, chocolate almonds and yogurt raisins are the most popular, but we are seeing other options becoming more prominent, such as praline nuts and dark chocolate-covered fruit”.

Although choices in combinations have changed, certain coatings are still popular when paired with dried fruit or nuts. For Aurora Products, honey roasted, chocolate and yogurt coverings are popular.

sugar-glazed are most popular coatings at Market Basket. And at George’s Market, customers prefer honey, butter toffee, carob, chocolate and yogurt, according to Grace.

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