Pistachio planting stages from zero to one hundred

Pistachio planting involves the cultivation of pistachio trees in suitable growing conditions. It is a meticulous process that requires careful attention to soil quality, water availability, and climate conditions. Proper preparation of the planting site is essential for successful pistachio cultivation. This includes tilling the soil, adding nutrients, and ensuring adequate drainage.

Pistachio planting guide

You can get the pistachio tree product in two ways, either plant pistachio seedlings and get the product earlier, or plant pistachio seeds and take care of them until they grow and bear fruit. Please stay with us until the end

In order to get a pistachio tree product, plant male and female pistachio seedlings together, that is, plant 1 male tree for every 15 female trees.
It is very difficult to distinguish male and female seedlings before the age of 7, so you should plant several seedlings that you think are male among the female seedlings to make sure there is a male.

Planting pistachio seeds

1- To plant pistachio seeds, buy raw seeds from reputable seed stores and then follow the steps below. It should be noted that the best type of seed for cultivation is Zarandi badami seed.
Place the seeds in a wet towel or tissue and sometimes move the seeds aside to allow air to flow.
2- Store the wet towel at room temperature.
3- Wait a week for the seeds to germinate.
4- After the seeds have germinated, transfer them to a cup or pot or the original ground. Make sure the bottom of the pot has a hole for water to drain out.
5- After the seeds have rooted, transfer them to larger pots.
6- Seedlings should live in pots for up to one year, and then you should pay attention to the nutrients in the soil and strengthen the soil.
7- To plant pistachio seedlings, dig a hole twice the height of the roots, which is twice the diameter of the root ball, so that the roots of the seedlings have room to grow.
8- Place the plant in the pit and keep it vertical and fill the soil around its roots.
9- After placing the seedling, be sure to irrigate until the empty pores are filled with water to prevent the roots from rotting.
10- Place the pistachios in a place where the sunlight shines on them.

Suitable soil for planting Pistachio

Iranian Pistachio need nutty soil and PH between 7 and 7.5, which means that the acidity of the soil should be neutral, so before planting, check the soil in terms of acidity and nutty content.

Distance of pistachio trees

When planting pistachio seedlings, pay attention to the distance between them. The distance between pistachio trees should be 4 to 5 meters and leave a distance of 5 to 6 meters between their rows because pistachio trees should grow up to 10 meters.

Watering the tree

The pistachio tree does not need daily or weekly watering.
The soil must be dried between two irrigations. The best way to water the tree is every other week. You don't need to water your tree in the rainy months, but you should water the tree in the less rainy months.
In case of monthly irrigation, the irrigation should be deep enough to have a suitable reserve to continue. High humidity and water may cause the leaves to turn yellow. In winter, your tree goes to sleep and does not need to be watered. After January, you can not water the tree until spring.

Fertilizing pistachios

Spring is the best time to fertilize the pistachio tree. Fertilizing the pistachio tree in the spring helps your tree bloom and grow more and faster.
Fertilizer 10-10-10 has mineral and organic substances such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. Apply half of the fertilizer for every 2 cm of the tree's diameter.
Never fertilize trees with more than 5 cups.
Fertilize twice a year and place the fertilizer at a distance of 30 cm from the tree and under the soil, and water after fertilizing to make it easy for the tree to use.

Pistachio tree pruning

If it is mentioned in this section about moisture, this is the best time for winter pruning. Your tree does not need heavy pruning. Heavy pruning and cutting some branches will reduce the growth of the tree. When pruning, choose one branch as the main trunk and remove the branches that cast a shadow on the main trunk. Remove any branches that are about 60 to 70 cm below the soil surface.

Production of pistachio tree

The production of pistachio trees is two years, that is, one year they give a high yield and one year they give a low yield.
When the pistachios are ripe, the color of the shells changes from green and yellow to red and the shell cracks. So when you see these signs, harvest your product because pests may attack pistachios.
The average yield of young pistachio trees is between 1 and 2 kg, and after the pistachio tree grows, the yield increases and the tree produces 6 to 10 kg of dry nuts for you between 7 and 10 years.

If you are interested in buying pistachio wholesale , you can contact our sellers at Taher, a dried fruit and nuts supplier store.

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