What is Pistachio qavut

Everything you need to know about pistachio nuts (Pistachio qavut )

Pistachio qavut is one of the most famous souvenirs of Kerman province, which is called qavut in the Kermani dialect. qavuts are offered to people in different flavors and each one has its own unique taste and propertiesa.

Among the most important of them, we can mention 40 plants, poppy seeds, rose petals, sesame seeds, pistachio seeds, pea seeds, coconut seeds, almond seeds, and borage flowers.

Features of pistachio qavut

1- The raw materials of Qavoot are completely natural and strong, and that is why they have countless fans and do not cause any side effects.

2- Pistachio qavut is one of the tonic potions for general strengthening of the body, a healing elixir. For patients who are recovering, children in growing age, mothers who have breastfed babies and in general all people who feel lethargic and bored can use this home remedy.
3- The qavut of pistachios is blood-forming and is excellent for removing anemia
4- This tonic potion is a healing elixir for general body strengthening
5- For patients who are recovering, children in growing age, mothers who have breastfed babies and in general all people who feel lethargic and bored can use this potion.
6- The qavut of pistachio is blood-forming and it is excellent for eliminating anemia, it helps to treat diarrhea, strengthens the stomach, opens the liver ducts, it is the best potion for children's exam night.
7- Qavot pistachio is one of the original souvenirs of Kerman, which is far from the food of the people of tropical regions and increases physical strength.
8- Strengthening vision and eyesight by consuming Iranian Pistachio power.
9- Pistachio kernel compounds contain coronoid, which is why it strengthens the eye sight.
10- Pistachio flavor is a happy concoction
11- Pistachio qavut is a delicious and useful supplement for parties and official meetings.
12- In Kerman province, we have a custom to use Qavut as a sweet and a good taste to celebrate a baby's birthday.
13- The strength of pistachios is rich in iron and an excellent energizer and relieves sleepiness
14- Pistachio nuts contain a high amount of iron and are very effective in relieving dizziness and lethargy.
15- Qavut is a delicious, energizing and relaxing snack. It is considered a natural energy source because of all the nutrients and high nutritional value it contains.
16- Qavut is an Excellent pistachio strength for treating anemia and strengthening the immune system
As we said above. Pistachios contain large amounts of iron, which is why they are great for helping treat anemia. Due to the presence of vitamins and nutrients, the strength of pistachio strengthens the body's immune system and sexual power - sultana raisins -

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