Get to know the characteristics of Zarandi pistachio seeds

Zarandi pistachio seeds variety is resistant to gomoz disease and your trees will not dry suddenly or over time.

The importance and characteristics of using  badami pistachio seeds

1- resistant to pistachio gomoz disease

Characteristic: The cause of this disease is the sexual fungus Phytophtera (Phytophtera is a Greek word meaning plant destroyer) All known species of Phytophtera are pathogenic.

Unfortunately, this fungus can kill its host at any age (from seedling stage to maturity).

This disease in pistachio causes the destruction of phloem tissue in the pistachio ring, as a result of which the transfer of water and solutes is difficult.

The tree has been weakened for several months and at the time of the maximum outbreak of this fungus, the transfer of water and solutes is stopped at the top and the so-called green tree dries up and the tree may dry up within 3 or 4 days.

Badami Zarandi variety is resistant to gomoz disease and your trees will not dry suddenly or over time.

2- Resistant to salinity and dehydration

Advantages: Soil salinization is an important factor in the loss of productivity of cultivated soils. Most soils have a certain amount of salt, because the soil is formed from the weathering of rocks that usually contain various salts.

During the weathering process, a certain part of the salt in the soil is washed and transferred to the lower layers. The transfer of salt along with the water parameter continues in the form of a solution until it is finally transferred to the sea and the lake of other deserts.

In general, the meaning of soil salinity is that the soil changes from non-saline or normal to a saline and sodium soil.

Disadvantages of soil salinity

A-Saline soil reduces the usable water of the plant.

In other words, in salty soils, plants wilt sooner, which is called physiological dryness. Because the soil is salty, plants cannot absorb the water in the soil

B- Poisoning

Some ions are present in a large amount in salty soils and due to their high absorption by the plant, they cause poisoning for it. The most important of them are chlorine, sodium and boron.

3- Nutritional imbalance

In salty soil, due to the high presence of some ions, plant nutrition becomes problematic. For example, one of the disadvantages of soil salinity in the growth of plants is the high concentration of chlorine in the soil solution and its absorption by the plant, which reduces the absorption of nitrate and sulfate by the plant.

While nitrate and sulfate are very essential ions in plant nutrition. Or for example

The high absorption of sodium by the plant reduces the absorption of potassium.

Sometimes it is necessary to plant crops in these soils or to use more resistant cultivars that are more resistant to salinity. Badami Zarandi variety can be the best option for areas with salty soil

4- The characteristic of being resistant to branch rot

Advantages: As you know, one of the most important diseases that most pistachio orchards in the country are involved in is pistachio tree rot

The majority of farmers believe that fungi and bacteria are the main cause of this disease, but if, in addition to fungal and bacterial factors, there are other factors such as excessive soil salinity, chemical contamination of the soil with heavy elements, overfeeding, lack of proper nutrition And excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers, improper irrigation and use of improper chicken manure can be the cause of this disease.

Currently, one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to fight this disease can be the planting of resistant cultivars such as Badami Zarandi.

5-  resistant to water shortage and drought

Advantages: As you know, the most important challenge in most pistachio areas for planting pistachio trees is the lack of water. To plant green pistachio trees, one should pay attention to the need for water and how to provide it.

Considering the type of climate in the region, the first question that arises for planting trees is what type of variety should be planted that is resistant to water shortage and drought.

Badami variety Zarandi can be a suitable option due to its resistance to drought

6- The feature of being resistant to pistachio psyllium

Chemical fight against pistachio psyllium

Advantages: Pistachio psyllid is one of the most important pistachio pests and a pistachio farmer should know about the way to fight pistachio psyllid. Pistachio psyllid causes a lot of damage to pistachio farmers and producers every year.

This pest generally has the most damage during June to the end of August, which is the most sensitive period for pistachio and its producers, and if it is not dealt with, it will cause a lot of damage.

One of the simplest and least expensive ways to fight this pest is to use varieties resistant to psyllium

Source: Taher Agroindustrial Group -  pistachio wholesale

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