The best way to plant pistachio seedlings
The best way to plant pistachio seedlings is to avoid common planting mistakes. If you can plant pistachio seedlings in the best way, you will get the best product. Stay with us in this article to know، What are these errors?

5 common mistakes when growing pistachio seedlings

One of the important causes of root rot and strake  and death of trees, which is observed in most regions of Iran, is the depth of tree planting or due to manual and gradual soiling around the strake .

As you know, the structure of the root and the stem are different from each other in terms of physiology and natural demands .

Naturally, the root must be placed inside the soil and in moist conditions, and unlike the stem, it grows in the opposite direction of the root, and it is necessary to be located in the light and on the surface of the ground, and as if a part of the root is placed outside the soil, it will be destroyed.

If the strake and the trunk also go under the soil, the texture of the barque and wood will gradually change color and rot, and finally the transmission path and flow of plant sap will be disrupted and the tree will die.

After suffocation and decay of the strake and root, secondary parasites also attack, sometimes some experts may attribute the death of the tree to secondary parasites that do not play a major role in the root rot of the tree.

According to the structural and physiological characteristics of the root and stem mentioned above, gardeners should note that after buying and preparing the pistachio seedling - pistachio wholesale - they should place it in the pit in such a way that the so-called hot treasury is always be placed close to the soil until the end of the tree's life.

Plotting and demarcation of the garden parts for irrigation must be already done so that the soil does not fall on the seedlings after planting.

The depth of planting saplings and manual soiling around the strake  may be done by gardeners consciously or un consciously, and some cases are mentioned below.

1- Depth of seedling planting and root suffocation

Sometimes it has been seen that the gardeners put soil around the saplings to resist  the wind.

But the gardener will be unaware of the fact that this practice (giving soil by hand around the strake) creates conditions for rot of strake and root suffocation, and it is often observed in gardens that such trees gradually peel off the bark of the parts under the soil after 2-3 years. It has changed color and rotted, and the tree has formed pieces of gum and finally dies.

It is recommended that at the time of planting the seedling, fill half of the fertilizer with soil and suitable fertilizer and water it manually or by irrigation until the soil settles sufficiently, one or two days later, the roots can be planted and placed the seedling in the pit and added the rest of the soil and fertilizer to it.

In this way, the root will settle down and in fact the strake will not be pulled under the soil.

After planting the saplings, it should always be noted that the soil around the strake  does not move and avoid waterlogging  that may cause suffocation of the roots.

In addition, if the strake and trunk of the tree have been buried under the soil for various reasons, the excess soil should be pushed back gradually to prevent the tree from suffocating .

2- Planting seedlings with plastic

When growing potted seedlings, the plastic must be completely removed from the seedlings. Not removing the seedling from the plastic will cause the roots to reach the bottom of the plastic and become twisted and remain trapped in the plastic and will not grow.

Practically, the roots have no place to grow and will not be able to absorb nutrients from the soil.

Another mistake that most farmers make when planting potted seedlings is that they limit themselves to tearing the plastic bottom of the pot during planting and avoid removing the plastic around the roots.

The wrong thinking is that the roots of the seedlings are removed from the bottom of the pot and there is no need to remove the entire plastic.

When it rains, more moisture is collected around the seedling due to plastic and causes fungal disease and root suffocation. The plastic must be completely removed so that the root can grow both horizontally and vertically.

3- Planting seedlings in the wrong place

In lands with salty soil, the ditches should be wider and the seedlings should be planted in the bottom of the ditches, and avoid planting seedlings in hot water.

Irrigation in salty soils causes the soil salt to move from the bottom of the soil to the edge of the soil, so planting seedlings in salty soils should be in the bottom of the soil, and in sweet soils, it should be in the hot place of water (where the water has drawn a line).

4-Non-observance of the principle of distance between seedlings

Distance of seedlings from each other

Pistachio trees need direct sunlight, that's why they grow more horizontally than vertically, so care must be taken during planting to maintain the distance between the seedlings.

Therefore, a distance of 4 meters between seedlings and also a distance of 6 meters for the rows can be suitable. The table below indicates the basic spacing of seedlings and rows in the pistachio garden.

Source: Taher Nuts and Dried Fruits Group






















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