Weed control of pistachio orchards

Prevention is always better than cure, even for pistachio orchard weeds. Weeds should be prevented from entering the gardens as much as possible, especially through irrigation canals and streams. 

Pistachio orchards in the United States and Australia have highly efficient filters at the entrances to canals and streams in order to prevent weed seeds from entering the orchards.

Weed control of pistachio orchards

Of course, it can be said that in Iran, such activities are practically impossible for 99% of gardeners, because in Iran, most orchards are irrigated by direct harvesting from wells. Irrigators can hunt weeds by placing a cage with very fine nets in the path of the seed water.

Water supply of weed seeds by flood irrigation Flood

Irrigation method, which unfortunately exists in more than 90% of Iranian pistachio orchards and causes water-filled areas even after several days of irrigation, is the best place for weeds to grow and develop.

It is very important to control weeds outside and around pistachio orchards before the weeds reach the seed production stage.


Weed control of pistachio orchards


Of course, it should be noted that many weeds in the margins of pistachio orchards are shelters for some important pests, including pistachio kernel ages, and if there is a high population of age pests on some weeds in the margins of pistachio orchards, such as Artemisia dandruff and…control They can be dangerous and cause the pest to move into the garden.

Contrary to the above view, there is another view which says that the presence of weeds makes many pests to  not like the tree and stay on the same weeds, but unfortunately so far no accurate statistics  have been obtained on which grasses absorb which pests.

If we are sure that some grasses are known as the first attack and the first host for certain pests, we can plant them away from our garden to prevent insects from coming to our garden.

How are weed seeds transmitted?

The seeds of grasses and the seed base of most plants survive in the harshest climatic conditions and retain their vigor, which is why you see in the deserts that have not rained for years, with a good rain in the season In the spring, many weeds grow, the seeds move in different ways:




Agricultural tools

Practical solutions to control weeds

Early spring weeds are very thin and vulnerable ,Perhaps the best time to fight weeds can be 15 Farvardin . believed that with a simple reaper, or a tiller or even a simple pruning, it could both deliver more oxygen to the roots of the trees and easily destroy the seeds that had just sprouted.

Chemical control is very important in the seed production stage of weeds. It should be noted that weeds are weak in the early stages of their growth period and do not have much power to absorb water and nutrients and compete with pistachios, but over time and after the initial period of growth and maturation become very dangerous and harmful. . Chemical and mechanical control of weeds in the early stages of growth is much easier and more successful than during the maturation of weeds.

Of course, it should be noted that some weeds that have been in the  soil for years are propagated  by roots. In the case of permanent weeds such as chicken, it is better to fight with a combination of mechanical and chemical, and of course it should be noted that to eradicate permanent and dangerous weeds must be patient and can not be achieved in one year. If you use high doses of herbicides, you will also damage your pistachio trees.

What are the most widely used herbicides?

The most widely used herbicide used in pistachio orchards in Iran is glyphosate or glyphosate, which is used to control a wide range of weeds in pistachio orchards, especially chicken, and is a non-selective herbicide. Young trees are very sensitive to glyphosate and care should be taken not to spill the herbicide on the leaves.

Non-chemical weed control

If your level of work is very high, you can let the weeds grow a little taller, then collect them with the help of a worker and give them to your livestock! In this case, the seeds of weeds do not harm  you much,and  You will compensate for the amount of food that is stolen from your trees by increasing fertilization, and instead you have raised a number of livestock!

Another interesting way is to use poultry (especially chicken). If this is possible in your garden, you can leave some chickens and roosters in the garden. They will definitely control the weeds in your garden!

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