What are the useful nuts for diabetes

Useful nuts for diabetes are nuts that have been shown to prevent high blood sugar, which is a major problem for people with diabetes. In fact, in traditional medicine, nuts are known as substances that can control blood sugar levels and reduce the symptoms of diabetes in people. In this article, we will explain the useful nuts for diabetes and their role in improving and reducing this problem.

Useful nuts for diabetes

Frequent consumption of some nuts can have a great effect on blood sugar levels, and if regular exercise is done along with these substances, diabetes can be controlled to a large extent. The type of nuts consumed is also effective in diabetes. As you know, nuts can be raw as well as roasted and flavored.

Salty nuts have a lot of fans because of their good taste, but it should be noted that if people want to use nuts to control their diabetes, they should prepare and consume raw nuts and without salt. In this case, they can benefit  from the properties of nuts for diabetes.

What are the most important nuts for diabetes?

All nuts are good for the body, but each has its own unique properties. Some nuts have many properties for diabetes, which we will explain and introduce in the following.


Pistachio kernel and pistachios in the skin is one of the most important nuts for diabetes. One of the main mechanisms of pistachio that is effective in diabetes is to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates. This function of pistachio reduces blood sugar in the body. On the other hand, high levels of antioxidants in pistachios reduce the connection of sugar with protein and thus the unusability of sugar in the body, thus helping to control blood sugar.


Useful nuts for diabetes


As mentioned, if you are preparing pistachios for diabetes, they should be salt-free. In fact, consuming raw and unsalted pistachios reduces blood sugar in the body.

 Consumption as much as pistachios is another factor affecting the effectiveness of pistachios on diabetes


Walnuts are a nut that has many properties in the treatment and control of many diseases, including diabetes. This kernel exerts its effect on diabetes by keeping hemoglobin constant. In fact, one of the problems that causes high blood sugar is hemoglobin imbalance, and walnuts cause hemoglobin to remain constant and consequently lower blood sugar in the body. On the other hand, the amount of sugar in this kernel is very low compared to other substances.

Types of almonds (almonds, peanuts and cashews)

Almonds  and peanuts are all good nuts for diabetes. The amount of sugar in cashews is very low and this is an important factor in controlling diabetes. Almonds also have similar properties to cashews and cause the slow release of glucose into the bloodstream. In fact, regular consumption of these nuts during the day can prevent diabetes.

One of the most important factors to consider when consuming foods such as nuts is the body's rate of conversion of carbohydrates to glucose, which is called the glycemic index. In fact, it can be said that according to research, almonds and peanuts have a low glycemic index and their consumption is effective in lowering blood sugar.

On the other hand, most nuts, including almonds, contain magnesium. The presence of magnesium in food helps regulate blood sugar in the body. Therefore, by consuming  these  substances, you can control your diabetes naturally and enjoy the taste of various nuts.


Walnuts, pistachios, almonds (almonds, peanuts and cashews) are some of the nuts useful  for  diabetes and their consumption is recommended  for  all  people. People with diabetes  avoid  certain  substances because of the nature of the problem. They may not be able to eat their favorite foods, but eating nuts can be very enjoyable for them. These nuts can control blood sugar in the body and prevent  it  from rising.

One of the reasons for the presence of this property in nuts is the significant amounts  of magnesium in them, which has good effects on  diabetes. On the other hand, many of them  cause the balance and stability of hemoglobin in the blood, which reduces  the problems  and symptoms of people with diabetes.

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