Sultana raisins, also called acidic raisins or green raisins, use acid solution in the drying process. The purpose of this work is first to dry the fruit quickly, which will ripen the grapes within 8 days, and another important goal is to increase the durability life of raisins, which will last for two years.


Thomson Seedless grapes are commonly used to produce Sultana raisins. Iran is one of the largest producers of raisins in the world and raisins are among Iran's export products.

Sultana Raisins are one of the most popular raisins, which are available in light brown color. Sales of Sultana raisins is famous both in the domestic market of Iran and around the world. This raisin, which is prepared by acid method, must be of good quality in order to be exported.

Throughout history, since raisins were discovered by humans, grapes have been dried in two distinct ways. One method was to spread it out in the sun with the help of sunlight and heat

Another way to dry grapes is to hang them in a shady environment, which in some areas is called a malakht (local name). Drying in the sun will usually take up to three weeks, but drying in the shade will take about two months.

Until the raisin growers came to the conclusion that it was necessary to shorten the drying time of the grape fruit. Drying with the help of acid solution helped them to lose moisture in the grapes within a maximum of eight days. In this way, raisins are obtained within seven or eight days.

What is the difference between raisins, maviz,sultana or Tizabi ?

Raisins are one of the most popular and high-energy foods that are the result of drying different types of grapes. Raisins can be included in the diet in different ways and benefit from its unique health properties.

As there are different types of grapes, raisins are also available in different types. This dry and delicious food can have unique properties depending on the type. Different raisins depending on the type can be used in rice, nuts, cakes and pastries.

Properties of raisins for health

You can choose any type of grape to prepare this dried fruit, but the most common grapes used are usually seedless varieties. This nutritious food is rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, flavonoids and micronutrients that can be good for health. Support the body. Soluble and insoluble fiber in this food improves gastrointestinal health and contains compounds.

You can use a variety of raisins to drink tea to not only enjoy the properties of this wonderful food to be safe from the harmful effects of sugars on health and increase the risk of diabetes.

The polyphenol and antioxidant compounds in this dried fruit can fight free radicals and prevent various cancers in the body. This food is very useful for strengthening the nerves, eye health, lethargy and boredom, weight loss, mouth freshening and healing of tooth decay and muscle cramps.

Familiarity with raisins and their properties

As mentioned, according to the variety of grapes, different types of raisins can be produced, each of which has the properties that are described below.


Raisins are prepared by drying different types of grapes in different ways, which can be seedless or grained. Drying grapes by concentrating the compounds in it increases the properties of this dried fruit. Raisins can be used to increase energy and promote the general health of the body due to the presence of minerals and vitamins.


Raisins are a type of large raisin that is produced from large black grapes. Raisins are rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, vitamin B and minerals of calcium, phosphorus and potassium, which are very useful for strengthening memory and increasing energy levels. There are also varieties of raisins and they can be full-meat, low-grain or seedless. This nutritious dried fruit with omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids is very useful for health.

Raisins contain anthocyanin and polyphenolic compounds with anti-cancer and anti-Alzheimer's properties. It should be noted that the high amount of anthocyanin in raisins compared to grapes and raisins increases the nutritional value of this food.

Raisins are very useful for the body with analgesic, anti-allergic, antibacterial and protective effects on the liver, heart and strengthening the immune system, and its consumption is recommended for the elderly, children and lactating wome.

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