pistachio paste

Smooth and creamy Pistachio paste is made from 100% pistachios without additives. Pistachio is a perfect nut that is not only delicious and rich in flavor but also has nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals. If you do not know how to include pistachio in your everyday meal plan you can use pistachio butter, pistachio paste and its powder. In this article, we are going to tell you more about pistachio paste.

What is pistachio paste?

A food product that is produced by grinding and roasting raw pistachios. Normally 100% of pistachio kernel are used to prepare pistachio paste.

It is called paste because during the production process, pistachio oil is not separated and the fat of the product is completely preserved, resulting in a buttery paste. It is also important to know that pistachio oil and pistachio fat are completely cholesterol-free, so you can consume it safely.

Also, pistachio paste is an excellent sugar-free paste with a good pistachio flavor, which is great for flavoring muffins, cakes and desserts. This paste is rich in fiber and essential minerals including iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. In addition, this paste is great for vegans who are trying to improve their health.

Pastes are energizing foods and when the body needs more energy, pastes such as pistachio paste are the best foods for the body.

Pistachio paste is made from 100% natural pistachio, and its oil is less than pistachio butter and without salt, sugar and other additives.

What does pistachio paste taste like?

Pistachio paste is a soft and creamy mixture that is prepared during a multi-step process that makes it more flexible and softer than pistachio butter.

This wonderful paste has a rich, gentle and astringent flavor of pistachio with a very soft texture. After consuming a spoon, you can easily feel the taste of the pistachios, but the paste is almost juicy and has a natural sweet taste of pistachios.

Pistachio paste can be thinned or thickened to the required size. If you want it for cooking, it's better to have a little more water so you don't need to moisturize it later. The paste is usually richer than pistachio nuts and this makes it ideal for making cakes, muffins, cookies and delicious foods.




Advantages of using pistachio paste

Pistachio paste is made from 100% pistachio and has all the advantages and benefits of pistachio kernel, it has a pleasant taste, pasteurized, without any preservatives or additives and has a soft and uniform texture.

Due to its low humidity, this product has a high shelf life under normal conditions and is also suitable for injection in a variety of devices used in the food industry.

Constant and monotonically quality, no use of preservatives and essential oils or thickening agents, high persistence and preservation of properties over time, resistance to high temperature, pasteurization and lack of additives, can be used in cakes and cookies are the main features of this product among similar cases.*

Pistachio paste is widely used in the production of various foods

Durability, fire resistance, excellent market and sales due to the increasing popularity of natural products without additives and preservatives among consumers are the feature of this product.

In addition, pistachio paste is made from 100% pistachio kernels, so it includes all the nutritional and health benefits. Including:

Heart Health

Evidence has shown that pistachio consumption can have a good effect on heart health by lowering blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels.

Weight Management

In a study on the subject of a 3-month diet with a reduction of 500 calories per day between two groups whose dietary differences were between pistachios (240 calories) and pretzels (220 calories) in the evening snack, the researchers found that while both groups lost weight due to calorie deficiency, the group that consumed pistachios had a greater reduction in BMI as well as a decrease in triglycerides levels.

Glycemic Control

Studies have shown that pistachio consumption may reduce the risk of diabetes. It should be noted that insulin and glucose levels decrease in people with prediabetes after eating pistachios. One study found that when consuming high carbohydrates foods such as pasta, white rice or bread, pistachios may help reduce spikes in glucose levels.

Intestinal Health

Research published in the British Medical Journal has shown that pistachios can be beneficial to the gut and have a greater impact than other nuts such as almonds. The results showed that eating pistachio increased specific bacteria and helped to produce short-chain fatty acids to fight inflammation and reduce the number of lactic acid bacteria.

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