Germany was the main destination of Iran’s pistachio, as it imported 3,063 tons of pistachio worth $40 million from Iran, in the first five months of the current fiscal year (started March 21).

Germany is the largest buyer of Iranian pistachios

Germany was the main destination of Iran’s pistachio, as it imported 3,063 tons of pistachio worth $40 million from Iran, in the first five months of the current fiscal year (started March 21).

Financial Tribune

Over 61% of Iran’s exported pistachios were dispatched to Germany, Iraq, Kazakhstan, the UAE, India, Spain and Russia, Trend News Agency reported.

Iran exported pistachio to 59 countries, including Yugoslavia, Jordan, Armenia, Argentina, Uzbekistan, Australia, Slovakia, South Africa, Afghanistan, Albania, United Kingdom, Ukraine, US, Italy, Bahrain, Brazil, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Libya, South Korea, Moldova, China, Romania, Japan, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Serbia, Oman, France, Kyrgyzstan, Qatar, Canada, Kuwait, Lebanon, Poland, Lithuania, Malaysia, Egypt, Vietnam, Netherlands and Hong Kong.

According to Jalalpour, who is a former chairman of Iran’s Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture, Iran is the second biggest producer of pistachio after the US and top exporter of the commodity.

Deputy Minister of Industries, Mining and Trade Mojtaba Khosrowtaj said Iran supplies more than 50% of the world pistachio market.

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