It was indeed a glorious day for TAHER AGROINDUSTRIAL GROUP as we were honored to receive two awards appreciating and recognizing us. Mr.Taheri was awarded for “THE BEST IN MANAGEMENT OF PISTACHIO PROCESSING PLANT IN THE STATE OF KHORASAN” and we also we honoured with the award of “THE BEST PISTACHIO PROCESSING PLANT IN THE STATE OF KHORASAN.”

The awards were presented by The Agriculture Organization of Iran in Khorasan Razavi (Mashhad).This definitely marks another milestone on achieving our MISSION & VISION.

The best in the management of pistachio processing factory in Khorasan

It was indeed a glorious day for TAHER AGROINDUSTRIAL GROUP as we were honored to receive two awards appreciating and recognizing us. Mr.Taheri was awarded for “THE BEST IN MANAGEMENT OF PISTACHIO PROCESSING PLANT IN THE STATE OF KHORASAN” and we also we honoured with the award of “THE BEST PISTACHIO PROCESSING PLANT IN THE STATE OF KHORASAN.”

The awards were presented by The Agriculture Organization of Iran in Khorasan Razavi (Mashhad).This definitely marks another milestone on achieving our MISSION & VISION.

TAHER’S MISSION: To provide high quality pistachio while supporting farmers of low income group and of people in Khoshab to be financially independent.

TAHER’S VISION: To be the most influential international distributer in South East Asia.

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