Dried Figs Harvest Started

There are 425,000 hectares of fig trees in the world, of which 55,000 hectares are in Iran and mainly in the Fars province. Fars with 51,000 hectares of fig trees is the largest province of this crop among the 16 provinces.

When does the harvest of dried figs begin?

There are 425,000 hectares of fig trees in the world, of which 55,000 hectares are in Iran and mainly in the Fars province. Fars with 51,000 hectares of fig trees is the largest province of this crop among the 16 provinces.

Estahban, with more than 24,000 hectares of rainfed fig orchards, has the highest production rate in the province and the country.

Estahban is located 160 kilometers to the east of Shiraz.

Estahban dried figs harvest has begun in mid-August and will continue until early October.

The export of figs this year is estimated to be more than $80million.

75% of dried figs are exported internationally and the rest is consumed domestically.

Source: “Young Journalists Club“

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