The Iranian Pistachio Industry (Trade)

Iran is one of the main producer and exporter of pistachio in the world. Most exported pistachios are in bulk. The common types of the pistachio products for exporting are:

Iranian pistachio trade

Iran is one of the main producer and exporter of pistachio in the world. Most exported pistachios are in bulk. The common types of the pistachio products for exporting are:

The main consumer markets for Iranian pistachios are the Far East, the European Union, CIS countries, the Middle East and the Indian subcontinent in that order. Pistachios are exported according to the buyers’ requirements and standards.

There are tens of export houses in Iran. Of this number, some are dedicated pistachio exporters, while others export other dried agricultural commodities in addition to pistachios. These established exporters, as a group, command about 95% of total Iranian pistachio exports. They can be placed in following categories:


Medium to large farmers


Growers of pistachios, especially the medium to large sized ones, can and often do, sell their products directly to the established pistachio export houses. Such transactions are usually facilitated by either professional pistachio brokers or commission agents.

Finally, it worth considering that there are a large number of pistachio producer, trader and exporter in Iran, for importers who are intended to work with Iranian companies, it is more economical and safer to work with those companies whom are producer and exporter at the same time.

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