Derivatives of Pistachio Kernel

Green Peeled Pistachio Kernel:since unripened pistachios have the better green hue, half-ripened and fresh crops are harvested and then the inner skin is peeled.

Nut material inside pistachios

Green Peeled Pistachio Kernel :since unripened pistachios have the better green hue, half-ripened and fresh crops are harvested and then the inner skin is peeled.

chopped pistachio

Chopped pistachio (nibbed pistachios): this product is obtained from chopping the peeled pistachio kernels mechanically or collecting the chopped pistachios, created in the process of blanching the in-shell pistachios. Chopped pistachios are used for bread, pancake, waffle or muffin recipe, etc.

chopped pistachio

Sliced pistachio

Sliced pistachio (pistachio halves): is pistachio kernel that is split in half. It is very convenient and affordable for ice cream shops and confectionery; and for consumptions where half of the pistachio kernels are used, such as gaz and sohan (two types of Iranian sweets), food industry like sausage and ham.

Crushed pistachio

Crushed pistachio: it is similar to chopped pistachio except that the pistachio pieces are much smaller. It is used for cakes, desserts, ice creams, chocolate, etc.


Slivered pistachio

Slivered pistachio: is pistachio that has been split, and then sliced into tiny strips (sliver). Slivered pistachios are a brilliant bright green color as the pinkish-purple skin has been completely removed. They are sprinkled on products to decorate, such as dessert, Turkish delight, halvah, cake, ice-cream. They improve the appearance and taste of the product.

powder pistachio

Powder pistachio: is obtained by cutting red/green/Kaal (Raw) pistachio kernels for many times. It is used for garnishing on chocolate, halvah, bakery and ice-cream sectors; it is used for making pistachio paste, too.

pistachio kernels

Source: Researched By “Taher Agroindustrial Group”

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