What is the Best Time of the Day to Eat Nuts?

Many people want to know the best time of the day to eat nuts. If you want to receive the maximum benefit from nuts, then it is advised to eat them in the morning. Consuming nuts along with breakfast can help you ward off fatigue and smoothly regulate blood pressure in your body.

What is the Best Time of the Day to Eat Nuts?

Many people want to know the best time of the day to eat nuts. If you want to receive the maximum benefit from nuts, then it is advised to eat them in the morning. Consuming nuts along with breakfast can help you ward off fatigue and smoothly regulate blood pressure in your body.

Nuts and Dry Fruits Are Healthy Snacks!

Experts suggest that nuts and dry fruits are one of the healthiest snack options around. According to the book Healing Foods by DK Publishing, some of the highest antioxidant levels of all plant foods are found in nuts. Antioxidants are vital in the fight against inflammation and cell and tissue damage caused by free radicals. Nuts are also rich in fiber, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals and research shows they help to lower cholesterol, improve blood vessel function and benefit muscles and joints too. Some nuts may be high in fats, which is why they are advised to be consumed in limited quantities and at a designated time so that it does not affect your health.

According to Nutritionist Mehar Rajput from FITPASS, “Nuts contain numerous types of micronutrients like iron, vitamins, minerals, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids and many other micronutrients such as copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. In short, these are known as power generators for our bodies. They play an important role in achieving different health benefits but one should consume them at different intervals during a day to extract the maximum number of aids from them.” If you want to receive maximum benefit from eating nuts, then it’s advised to consume them in the morning. Consuming nuts along with breakfast can help you ward off fatigue and smoothly regulate blood pressure in your body. They play a major role in removing the bad cholesterol from the blood and improve the functioning of your heart.

Nuts and Dry Fruits Are Healthy Snacks!

-Consuming nuts along with breakfast can help you ward off fatigue –

Here is how you should be consuming these nutritionally dense foods.

Expert Mehar Rajput gives you a simple eating plan:

Morning: Almonds

Almonds can provide positive effects on your health. Rich in many nutrients these are deemed as the perfect nuts to start your day with.

Evening: Pistachios, Cashew and Pine Nuts

Pistachios , Cashew and Pine Nuts can help boost your immunity and stamina after a long day at work. These could also be a great snacking option.

Night: Walnuts, Prunes, and Dates

They are high in soluble fiber and can significantly help you with problems related to digestion and constipation. Consuming them at night will ensure you don’t feel bloated or constipated the next day.

What Should You Avoid?

Avoid consuming rich and highly delicious nuts like cashew nuts during the night, they might disturb your sleep and cause heaviness in the stomach or indigestion. Also, avoid oil roasted and chocolate-coated nuts.

– Avoid consuming rich nuts like cashew nuts during the night, they might disturb your sleep –

How Many Nuts Should You Consume During the Day?

One should include one fist full of nuts once daily in their diet. It should be approximately around 20-25 nuts per day, which you can divide according to different timings and intervals.

So, it is not just the type of nuts that you should be careful of; it is the timings that will help you get the desired results.

Taher Agroindustrial Group

Source: “Foof.ndtv.com“

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