Keep a healthy diet while working from home during Coronavirus

Avoid Weight Gain While Working From Home with These Healthy Snacks Coronavirus (COVID-19): While working from home many are worried about weight gain. Exercising at home is the best way to stick to your fitness routine. Here are some healthy snacks you can add to your diet to fight hunger pangs.

Healthy diet against coronavirus

Are you working from home? Due to the coronavirus outbreak, almost every office has implemented work from home policy to control the spread of coronavirus. While working from home many are worried about weight gain. Exercising at home is the best way to stick to your fitness routine. You can also make changes in your diet to fight weight gain. Snacking can add a huge amount of unwanted calories to your diet. During the gap between the meals, you are more likely to consume more calories to beat hunger pangs. Here are some healthy snacks you can add to your diet with a limited amount of calories to prevent weight gain.

Coronavirus: Healthy snacks you can choose while working from home

Protein bars

Protein can keep you full for longer and make you eat less. One of the best options to choose from is protein bars. Protein bars are a quick snack that you can enjoy anytime. You can also prepare protein bars at home with some ingredients and enjoy anytime.

Protein bars

Boiled egg

A hard-boiled egg is filling with just 77 calories. It is one of the best protein sources. You can add a boiled egg to your breakfast. It will also keep you full for longer. Eggs are also a powerhouse of other essential nutrients.

Fresh fruits

Fruits are loaded with several nutrients. It is advised to add fruits to your daily diet. You can prepare a mixture of different fruits. Add citrus fruits to your daily diet, it will also help you boost immunity.

Trail mixture

Create a mixture of nuts, seeds and dried fruits. A handful of this mixture will help you beat hunger pangs. It is a tasty snack with plenty of nutrients. This will also provide you several health benefits.

Trail mixture


Another tasty snack with limited calories is popcorn. You can simply eat a bowl of popcorn. But try not to add extra butter or salt to your popcorn.


  • Consume a healthy diet while working from home Add more protein and vitamin C to your diet (Read more about some effective proteins in nuts and dried fruits that can strengthen the immune system against corona-virus) Nuts can keep you full for longer and beat hunger pangs


Source: NDTV

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