Important points regarding planting a pistachio tree

Everything you need to know about planting pistachio seedlings.

Everything about pistachio seedlings

  1. A) Irrigation

Although pistachio is very resistant to dehydration, it should not be neglected, especially at an early age. On average, depending on the soil texture, the following irrigation circuit is recommended in terms of water maintenance, depending on the age of the tree: (except winter)

Tree aged 1 to 3 years: Irrigation circuit 7 to 10 days

Tree aged 3 to 6 years: Irrigation circuit 12 to 20 days

Tree aged 6 years and older: One month irrigation circuit

It should be noted that when the irrigation cycle is one month, a lot of water should be given to the tree in each irrigation so that moisture can penetrate completely into the soil.

  1. B) Pruning

Pruning means cutting the extra branches and this operation is done in winter. After the tree is formed in the years after transplanting and before fruiting, pruning is important, which includes pruning the branches, uprooting and removing the cuttings.

Pruning causes the fruit of the tree to grow large and the fruiting to be somewhat uniform in different years.

The fruiting period of the pistachio tree is often from 5 to 45 years old

Each pistachio tree gives a few kilos of fruit: The yield of each pistachio tree starts from 1 kilo and gives up to 34 kilos of pistachios

The average Pistachio harvest rate per hectare is 6 tons

The number of pistachio trees per hectare is 500 to 700

Yield of each pistachio tree: The yield of each pistachio tree starts from 1 kg and gives up to 34 kg of pistachios. The larger seedlings, the more pistachios they produce.

The average production of pistachios per hectare is 6 to 10 tons on average

The planting time of pistachio seedlings is November, February, March, April, May and June

The useful life of pistachio tree is 50 years

The pistachio tree bears fruit  at 5 years of age 

How to plant a pistachio tree: at First, plow the land and level it, then dig holes at a depth of 40 cm at distances of 3 meters or 4 meters , and after that draw a map of the land on paper and mark the location of the holes. The seedlings should be in a row .They should be exactly one behind the other; the distance between the rows should be 3 or 4 meters. The distance between the stacks should be 4 or 5 meters. Make a thin scratch vertically so that the roots are not injured to remove the seedling plastic . The soil should not fall apart. Be Gently place the seedlings in the middle of the pit and the next person should pour the soil.

Fruit time of pistachio tree: starting from August and continuing until October

The root of the pistachio tree extends up to two meters in the soil vertically axially

Pistachio is one of the most popular nuts in stores and also the most delicious. Planting pistachio seedlings in your home garden can be a good experience to learn more about the fruiting process of these delicious nuts. Also, if you are looking for a tree  which suitable for dry climate and not so good soil, pistachio seedlings will be a good option for planting

Familiarity with pistachio seedlings

Pistachio seedlings in the final state of growth reach a height of 6-10 meters and the number of stems depending on the pruning of seedlings in the early years - reaches two or three. The pistachio tree has two bases and in order to have a pistachio load, you have to prepare and plant both male and female pistachio seedlings. Of course, you do not need to prepare one male for each female pistachio seedling; Depending on the climatic conditions of the region, including the prevailing wind speed, you can plant an average of one male for every 15 female seedlings.

Growth habits of pistachio seedlings

  • By creating suitable conditions, pistachio seedlings start fruiting about 5-8 years after planting and reach maturity at the age of 15-20 years.
  • Every year, pistachio trees go into hibernation for 6 weeks after falling in autumn and when the temperature is below 7 degrees Celsius.
  • In late autumn, first the female trees that have produced fruit and then the female trees that have not produced fruit drop their leaves. Finally, the male trees begin to fall.

Flowering of female trees takes place during the spring. Male trees typically flower earlier than female trees, so pollen may be destroyed by wind; Farmers usually collect pollen from male trees and keep it in good condition to artificially pollinate female flowers when they bloom.

Fruiting occurs in annual branches.

Pistachio tree can bear fruit for up to 100 years

Planting pistachio seedlings

Dig a hole the size of the root ball of the seedling you prepared.

The diameter and depth of the pit should be twice your root ball. Pits with dimensions of 60 x 60 cm are usually suitable. Clean the inside of the pit from any weeds or debris and even lumps of soil.

  Place the seedlings in the pit and make sure that the direction of the roots does not change and that they are completely perpendicular to the pit. The root system of the pistachio tree is very strong and extends to a depth of 3 meters and a width of 8 meters; The correct functioning of the root system depends on the correct performance of seedling planting operations.

Make a distance of 3-6 meters between the trees and 6 meters between the rows. At shorter intervals after pistachio seedlings mature, the shoots overshadow each other and reduce yield. It is best to plant male pistachio seedlings so that they are surrounded by female seedlings so that when the wind blows, the male pollen will hit the female flowers in its path.

Pistachio seedling soil preparation

Pistachio seedlings are not very sensitive to the texture and soil material in which they grow. In other words, pistachio seedlings are preferred over sandy, light soils with high calcium carbonate content. Also note that pistachios do not have high tolerance to heavy and moist soils with low drainage.

It is also slightly acidic or slightly alkaline and the best yield and tastiest pistachios are produced in soils with medium texture, excellent drainage and containing lime and boron. Calcareous soils often contain more than 15% calcium carbonate (CaCO3).

Before planting pistachio seedlings, plow the soil well to a depth of 70 cm and separate the excess parts. If you do not know the chemical composition and nutrients of your soil, you can give some soil to the lab and get help from an agricultural consultant to fertilize.

Before planting pistachio seedlings, be aware of last year's crops in any soil,

  If last year cotton, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants and tobacco and products of this family were cultivated in the desired soil, it is better not to cultivate pistachios in that soil for 4 years and the soil is exposed to the sun and disinfected. The reason for this interval is the possibility of the presence of Verticillium fungus in the soil, which is common in pistachios and the Solanaceae family.

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